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Say you've got a blank space in your right mind, well here's my second wind!
Team Robbers
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Post by PRINCE on Dec 23, 2015 5:21:11 GMT
#1 - splatted! A simple template for those new to Proboards Roleplaying to use here on Ink'd! If you are new around here, feel free to PM if you need any help editing it to match your character. I'll get back to you ASAP! (And if you'll notice, there's no credit on this. That was intentional! Feel free to use it without linking back to me, since it was intended for Ink'd community.) Press Quote and copy for the code! [googlefont=Lato] first mcname Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec efficitur magna at tristique dictum. Nullam non feugiat magna. Etiam elit metus, suscipit ac mi quis, scelerisque varius lorem. Proin placerat, diam quis finibus bibendum, lorem leo lobortis sem, nec malesuada purus felis et felis. Vivamus tincidunt, tellus ac gravida mattis, nisi odio aliquam libero, non semper orci est eu tortor. Donec maximus egestas lorem vulputate fermentum. Ut finibus arcu erat, non maximus dui porta a. Nunc volutpat elit augue, non placerat purus aliquet vitae. In imperdiet, mauris in euismod posuere, dui mauris hendrerit lectus, sit amet euismod neque nulla et lorem. Integer faucibus ornare nulla, eu facilisis dui laoreet ac. Etiam ullamcorper quis nulla in euismod. Cras feugiat malesuada justo a ultrices. Nam interdum, purus eget vulputate tempor, risus felis iaculis velit, sit amet viverra felis felis et ex. Aenean eu odio risus.
Nunc ultrices feugiat turpis, bibendum tincidunt lorem rutrum ac. Aenean placerat ultrices imperdiet. Sed mattis ligula et tellus aliquam convallis. Suspendisse ac metus lectus. Nunc mi massa, gravida ut pulvinar vitae, dapibus volutpat lectus. Nulla sed sollicitudin risus, sit amet tempor ex. Vestibulum a dolor pharetra, gravida lacus accumsan, venenatis nulla. Nunc pulvinar felis orci, sed posuere mi rutrum sit amet. "Donec tristique metus erat, a sodales justo tempus id. Donec vitae cursus metus. Proin id consectetur augue. Duis bibendum odio ipsum, in convallis lorem sodales at. Ut auctor tempus fermentum."
Sed lacus lorem, iaculis sed tincidunt nec, luctus sit amet elit. Aliquam gravida sapien ut augue porta commodo. Praesent id magna sagittis, rutrum massa et, laoreet ante. Duis sed dui semper nunc ullamcorper posuere. Ut egestas, turpis eu malesuada luctus, ligula ante feugiat lectus, in rutrum nibh arcu eu augue. Pellentesque in lorem ac ipsum euismod pellentesque. Integer vitae laoreet libero, non sagittis nibh. shortyshort lyrics
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Say you've got a blank space in your right mind, well here's my second wind!
Team Robbers
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Post by PRINCE on Jan 1, 2016 10:16:52 GMT
#2 - bubbler Already familiar with using posting templates? Well, chances are if that's the case, you know where to find some to use for yourself! But just in case...here's one from me to you! ♥ The color to change is #d5a32d! Also replace "http://i.imgur.com/sJ7Rhxq.png" with the 100x100 icon of your choosing. [googlefont="Titillium Web"][googlefont="Josefin Sans"] | I WANNA HEAR YOU CALLIN' MY NAME LIKE, "HEY MAMA!" | OOCNAME COMMENTS ― ooc notes shall go hereth my lovelies. this doesn't scroll but its really long so you can fit almost anything here! wowza! though id suggest linking to images, if you wana put them here ❤ 4 ↩️ 2 ― ON @tagged's PAGE | Dragon goby roach slimehead ide ribbon sawtail fish snipe eel tommy ruff? Summer flounder Atlantic trout, dartfish tripod fish: squawfish; píntano. Handfish duckbill slickhead triplespine, "Antarctic cod straptail zebra danio, goldspotted killifish!" Wels catfish kuhli loach, Bitterling longnose chimaera elver ling cod whale shark discus shell-ear sandbar shark mahi-mahi lanternfish. Merluccid hake threespine stickleback bluegill.
Driftfish pencilfish lefteye flounder duckbill eel long-finned char pleco, tadpole fish sand stargazer, Atlantic saury eeltail catfish tiger barb. Loweye catfish, Molly Miller banded killifish electric catfish round herring pupfish bull shark goosefish medusafish; longfin dragonfish white marlin, pelagic cod.
Northern squawfish, electric stargazer chum salmon betta Billfish pufferfish sailback scorpionfish. "Combtooth blenny threadsail flatfish pupfish burbot shortnose greeneye drum Alaska blackfish mail-cheeked fish featherfin knifefish electric ray." Hagfish shortnose sucker sixgill ray knifefish, Asian carps longnose lancetfish barred danio chub spiderfish oilfish Port Jackson shark.
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Say you've got a blank space in your right mind, well here's my second wind!
Team Robbers
user is offline
Post by PRINCE on Jan 1, 2016 13:32:21 GMT
#3 - bubbler PLOTTER A matching plotter to go with the post template above! If you have any issues or need help with this code, as always, feel free to shoot me a PM! Now get out there and make some noise for your awesome character over PLOTTERS forum! BOOYAH! The color you wanna change for the fonts are still the same: #d5a32d. And replace "http://i.imgur.com/L9ptqNm.png" with a 200x300 image of your choosing. Sorry this code is so messy. I'm not organized. </3 [googlefont="Titillium Web"][googlefont="Josefin Sans"] OVERVIEW Character name is a(n) GENDER SPECIES, belonging in the GROUP NAME. ___ are ?? years old, and something something, more facts. Maybe you'd also want to put a link to their application here? You can also post links to wanted ads for teams and families!
Dragon goby roach slimehead ide ribbon sawtail fish snipe eel tommy ruff? Summer flounder Atlantic trout, dartfish tripod fish: squawfish; píntano. Handfish duckbill slickhead triplespine, "Antarctic cod straptail zebra danio, goldspotted killifish!" Wels catfish kuhli loach, Bitterling longnose chimaera elver ling cod whale shark discus shell-ear sandbar shark mahi-mahi lanternfish. Merluccid hake threespine stickleback bluegill. |
FRIENDS Friendships are arguably the most important part of a good portion of character's lives! What say you on this? Is your character outgoing...or not so much?
Dragon goby roach slimehead ide ribbon sawtail fish snipe eel tommy ruff? Summer flounder Atlantic trout, dartfish tripod fish: squawfish; píntano. Handfish duckbill slickhead triplespine, "Antarctic cod straptail zebra danio, goldspotted killifish!" Wels catfish kuhli loach, Bitterling longnose chimaera elver ling cod whale shark discus shell-ear sandbar shark mahi-mahi lanternfish. Merluccid hake threespine stickleback bluegill. Driftfish pencilfish lefteye flounder duckbill eel long-finned char pleco, tadpole fish sand stargazer, Atlantic saury eeltail catfish tiger barb. Loweye catfish, Molly Miller banded killifish electric catfish round herring pupfish bull shark goosefish medusafish; longfin dragonfish white marlin, pelagic cod. Driftfish pencilfish lefteye flounder duckbill eel long-finned char pleco, tadpole fish sand stargazer, Atlantic saury eeltail catfish tiger barb. Loweye catfish, Molly Miller banded killifish electric catfish round herring pupfish bull shark goosefish medusafish; longfin dragonfish white marlin, pelagic cod. Driftfish pencilfish lefteye flounder duckbill eel long-finned char pleco, tadpole fish sand stargazer, Atlantic saury eeltail catfish tiger barb. Loweye catfish, Molly Miller banded killifish electric catfish round herring pupfish bull shark goosefish medusafish; longfin dragonfish white marlin, pelagic cod.
| FIRSTNAME LASTNAME | LOVERS Does your character want the smoochies? Mmmyes? Mmmmno? Talk about that here. Or they could be already taken, of course!
Dragon goby roach slimehead ide ribbon sawtail fish snipe eel tommy ruff? Summer flounder Atlantic trout, dartfish tripod fish: squawfish; píntano. Handfish duckbill slickhead triplespine, "Antarctic cod straptail zebra danio, goldspotted killifish!" Wels catfish kuhli loach, Bitterling longnose chimaera elver ling cod whale shark discus shell-ear sandbar shark mahi-mahi lanternfish. Merluccid hake threespine stickleback bluegill. |
ENEMIES Everyone has things that tick them off. What would that be for your character? Or, are you even interested in finding enemies for your character at all? Maybe you consider them off-limits?
Dragon goby roach slimehead ide ribbon sawtail fish snipe eel tommy ruff? Summer flounder Atlantic trout, dartfish tripod fish: squawfish; píntano. Handfish duckbill slickhead triplespine, "Antarctic cod straptail zebra danio, goldspotted killifish!" Wels catfish kuhli loach, Bitterling longnose chimaera elver ling cod whale shark discus shell-ear sandbar shark mahi-mahi lanternfish. Merluccid hake threespine stickleback bluegill.Dragon goby roach slimehead ide ribbon sawtail fish snipe eel tommy ruff? Summer flounder Atlantic trout, dartfish tripod fish: squawfish; píntano. Handfish duckbill slickhead triplespine, "Antarctic cod straptail zebra danio, goldspotted killifish!" Wels catfish kuhli loach, Bitterling longnose chimaera elver ling cod whale shark discus shell-ear sandbar shark mahi-mahi lanternfish. Merluccid hake threespine stickleback bluegill.Dragon goby roach slimehead ide ribbon sawtail fish snipe eel tommy ruff? Summer flounder Atlantic trout, dartfish tripod fish: squawfish; píntano. Handfish duckbill slickhead triplespine, "Antarctic cod straptail zebra danio, goldspotted killifish!" Wels catfish kuhli loach, Bitterling longnose chimaera elver ling cod whale shark discus shell-ear sandbar shark mahi-mahi lanternfish. Merluccid hake threespine stickleback bluegill. |